by Nancy Kramer
On a nice day in December during one of my visits to Victoria Educational Gardens, I was awestruck by the beauty of the Tall Bearded Irises in the Iris Mini Garden on the east side of VEG.
Many times it is said that the colorful, ruffled Bearded Irises don’t do well in South Texas.
'Blatant' - Hybridized by Byers 1989 - Tall Bearded Iris -
Height: 36"
Early midseason to late midseason and rebloom
Bloom Color: Wine with yellow, variegated
Musky fragrance
‘Blatant’ surely looks like it is doing well.
On another day in January, I was heading for the gorgeous colorful Iris Bed and ran into Betty Friedrichs She greeted me with a big smile and spent time visiting with me although she had obviously been working very hard to weed out some of the bluebonnets and poppies that were trying to “take over” the Iris area.
As I gushed over the new look of the revamped Iris beds, she made the comment that she had researched and found there are some really pretty reblooming Tall Bearded Irises that were known to do well in our area in and around Victoria County.
So, Betty went in search of these beauties and went to work. Now we are blessed to have Irises blooming and reblooming many times during the Iris blooming season and beyond.
'Pleasant Peasant' - Hybridized by Stanek 2003 - Tall Bearded Iris
Height: 34"
Early midseason to late bloom and rebloom
Bloom Color: Gold, self, ruffled
Slightly spicy fragrance
These photos of 'Pleasant Peasant' were taken on December 6. The next photo was shot on January 20.
‘Pleasant Peasant’ is surely a pleasant addition. It has been cheerfully blooming for over a month.
My hat’s off to Betty Friedrichs. As she was heading out, I thanked her again for all her hard work. She said, “This isn’t hard work. It is what I do!”
Thanks again to Betty for doing what she loves to do...helping to make our community beautiful.
Victoria County Master Gardeners all deserve a huge “THANK YOU!”
'Eternal Bliss' - Hybridized by Byers 1987 - Tall Bearded Iris
Height: 35"
Midseason and rebloom
Bloom Color: Orchid bitone

'Renown' - Hybridized by Zurbrigg - 1992 - Tall Bearded Iris
Height: 36"
Very early bloom and rebloom
Bloom Color: Oyster white, self, ruffled

Sugar Blues - Hybridized by Zurbrigg - 1984- Tall Bearded Iris
Height: 36"
Midseason bloom and rebloom
Bloom Color: Wisteria Blue, self, tailored
Sweet Fragrance

'Clarence' - Hybridized by Zurbrigg - 1990 - Tall Bearded Iris
Height: 35"
Midseason bloom and rebloom
Bloom Color: Blue/White, luminata
Sweet Fragrance

Thanks to Betty Friedrichs for planting such beautiful reblooming Tall Bearded Irises. This peach color is named ‘Priscilla of Corinth’. When asked who helped with the marvelous make-over, Betty replied,
I haven’t needed anyone to help with the iris garden. However, I give credit for their beauty and vigor to the good Lord and all the wonderful people that come by to admire them. I believe the love and positive energy makes a difference.