ph: 361-935-1556
Howdy! We are working to add some YouTube videos for you to enjoy after we have our Lunch & Learn Presentations and our Master Gardener Training Classes. We also plan to add some videos from our Saturday Seminars. We will post our list of videos on this page.
A Garden for Little People
Victoria County Master Gardener Marcia K has created this video on gardening with Fairy Gardens in the landscape or in containers. She includes many fun examples of how Fairy Gardens can be designed and enjoyed, including a whimsical creation at Victoria Educational Gardens. You can come out and see it for yourself at VEG at the Victoria Regional Airport.
YouTube Video links and descriptions:
Composting --by Jack Goodwin
Keyhole Gardening -- by Matt Bochat
Victoria Educational Gardens Tour -- Matt Bochat
Daylily Slideshow--Blooming in Brenda's garden and photos by Janet at VEG
A Garden for Little People -- Fairy Gardens by Marcia K. with Video Assistant Brenda H.
ph: 361-935-1556