ph: 361-935-1556
Mission Statement:
Trained and knowledgeableVolunteers
committed to the education of the Community
while enriching the public and our Members
through proven Gardening
and environmental practices and Activities
Victoria County Master Gardener Association (VCMGA) began with training and installing new officers and members in 1997. Another training class was held in 1998 and we have continued with Master Gardener Training Classes each year except 2020. Today we have a membership of about 143 members from Victoria and surrounding counties.
VCMGA is a 501(c)3, not for profit educational association of Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service. The objective of VCMGA is to increase the knowledge of gardening to its members and the general public. Website:
ADDRESS: VCMGA P. O. Box 3822 Victoria, TX 77903
Our major project is Victoria Educational Gardens (VEG) and the VEG Complex which includes the VEG Pavilion, the Children's Garden, a greenhouse, a huge koi pond surrounded by a tropical garden, and several mini gardens. (Rental of the Officer's Club at VEG is available through Victoria Regional Airport by calling 361-578-2704)
VEG is located at 333 Bachelor Drive, across from the Victoria Regional Airport Control Tower. VEG Pavilion is located at 283 Bachelor Drive.
Our Association Bylaws pdf
ph: 361-935-1556