ph: 361-935-1556
Click for printable pdf of a list of presentations Victoria County Master Gardeners are willing to present:
The presentations can be done at the VCMGA pavilion, Victoria Educational Gardens or at a site decided upon.
The VCMGA is a non-profit, educational, literary and charitable association of the Texas AgriLife Extension Service.
Our members are highly trained experts in many aspects of gardening and landscaping
If you do not see a topic listed that fits your needs, please contact, Jean Knowles, Volunteer Coordinator for VCMGA, our members would be very happy to put together a program that suits your needs.
Contact INFO:
call or text 361-649-5073 Jean Knowles
Extension programs serve people of all ages regardless of socioeconomic level, race, color, sex, religion, disability or national origin. The Texas A & M University System, U.S. Department of Agriculture and the County Commissioners Courts of Texas Cooperating.
Revised 7/18/2019
Topics Available
*Texas Wildflowers
*Beneficial Insects
*Native Plants in Landscaping
*Planting in Unusual Containers
*Taking Care of the Christmas
*Blackberries Gift Plants
*Butterflies, Butterfly Gardening
*Colonial Gardening
*Vegetable Gardening
*Growing Citrus
*Edible Flowers – updated to include foraging
*Folklore of Texas Wildflowers
*Growing Herbs
*Using Herbs in Everyday Ways
*Raised Bed Gardening
*Growing Succulents
*Poisonous Plants
*Verma(worm) composting
ph: 361-935-1556