ph: 361-935-1556
List of useful tools for gardener in your life
Nov. 26, 2022
by Phyllis Elmore
Pat, Wagon
Garden fork
Mark, Cordless chain saw
Brynn, Multi-use weeded
Ed, Stirrup Hoe
Janet, Double-edge grubbing hoe
Gardening tool
Brenda, Kori Knife
Christmas time is the most magical and possibly the most expensive time of year. I remember as a child waiting with uncontained anticipation for the Sears Wishbook, as well as the Montgomery Ward and the J.C. Penney gift catalogs to come in the mail.
For those readers who do not have an AARP card, the Wishbook contained every toy imaginable for boys and girls. It was the ultimate fix for kids. Do you remember the Mervyn’s Black Friday commercial where a woman is standing outside of her favorite store peering through the glass doors saying, “Open. Open. Open?” It was that kind of excitement.
Gift wishes also include gardeners. I recently interviewed some Master Gardens at a Victoria Educational Gardens workday. You should have seen their faces light up as they spoke about their favorite garden tools. This esteemed group became children once again with bright eyes and passionate voices as they spoke about their cherished gardening possessions. Some enthusiastically demonstrated its usefulness to me.
Before we jump into the list, there are multiple resources to peruse. First are gardening magazines and websites. If you have a thick wallet, lots of deliveries may be coming your way.
You can also consider seed catalogs for gifts. These colorful, enticing catalogs can occupy gardener for hours during the winter.
Another source of information is the Texas A & M Agrilife website. If the Aggies can’t help you, it may be hopeless. In addition, you can check out gardening books at the library for gift ideas.
Finally do come out to the Victoria Educational Garden on a Monday or Thursday workday between 9 a.m. and noon. The Master Gardeners will be happy to give gift suggestions and can demonstrate how to use various tools.
We can all pretend money is no object. Here are some gardening gift suggestions. It was difficult to edit this list. Some items were mentioned multiple times. Some are expensive. Most are not expensive.
A common request was light weight tools. Devices get heavy with extended use. In no special order, below are 15 suggestions from your local master gardeners.
Your gardeners may not realize how much they need some of these tools. However, your gardeners will be excited as little children if they receive a gift from this list. Happy shopping.
The Gardeners’ Dirt is written by members of the Victoria County Master Gardener Association, an educational outreach of Texas A&M AgriLife Extension – Victoria County. Mail your questions in care of the Advocate, P.O. Box 1518, Victoria, TX 77901; or, or comment on this column at
Betty, Light Lopper
Olivia, Double-edge serrated shovel
Patrick, Zero-turn Mower
Sharon, Clippers
All photos contributed by Phyllis Elmore, Victoria County Master Gardener
All photos taken at Victoria Educational Gardeners of Master Gardeners who work on Monday and Thursdays, from 9-12 weekly.
Victoria Public Library
Mervyn’s Campaign: Open, Open, Open, YouTube – Jason Gullifer, October 10, 2014.
ph: 361-935-1556