ph: 361-935-1556
Cool-season plants. their uses
Nov. 12, 2022
by Debbie Hopper/Victoria County Master Gardener
Curly-leaf parsley is an attractive plant and can be used in your landscape as a border.
Flat-leaf parsley is used more in food and is full of vitamins.
Masabni, Joseph G., Easy Gardening for Texas, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, 2016, p. 209.
Adams, William D. and LeRoy, Thomas R., The Southern Kitchen Garden, Taylor Trade Publishing, 2007, p. 58-60.
Barrett, Judy, What Can I Do With My Herbs? How to Grow, Use & Enjoy These Versatile Plants, Everbest Printing Co., 2010, 41-43, 47-49, 102-104.
Oster, Maggie, Ortho’s All About Herbs, Meredith Publishing Company, 1999, p. 66, 69, 83.
Blachman, Vicki, Texas Gardener Magazine, Suntex Communications, Inc., September/October 2012, p. 20-23.
Leander, Patty G., Texas Gardener Magazine, Suntex Communications, Inc., November/December 2020, p. 12-15.
Blachman, Vicki, Texas Gardener Magazine, Suntex Communications, Inc., January/February 2009, p. 28-32.
Denton County Master Gardeners "Growing Cool Season Herbs"
The Gardeners’ Dirt is written by members of the Victoria County Master Gardener Association, an educational outreach of Texas A&M AgriLife Extension – Victoria County. Mail your questions in care of the Advocate, P.O. Box 1518, Victoria, TX 77901; or, or comment on this column at
Aah, herbs. Not only do they smell good, but they are pretty, add flavor to foods, attract pollinators and contain vitamins and minerals. I love cooking with herbs.
Herbs are easy to grow, providing they are in a sunny area with well-drained soil. They need about 1 inch of water a week. They can be grown in containers, gardens and even in your flower bed. Herbs should be grown close to your house and a water source.
Cool-weather herbs that you can plant now include cilantro/coriander, chives, dill, mint, oregano, sage, thyme, lavender and parsley. I read where arugula was thought to be an herb. My favorites to cook with are cilantro, rosemary, dill and oregano.
Cilantro/coriander (Coriandrum sativum) is a two-herb in one. You get the plant, but you can let it go to seed. Cilantro is known for its use in Mexican food dishes, salsa, salads, pinto beans, rice, pasta and marinades. It is best to use the young leaves since the older leaves can be strong flavored.
Coriander seeds can be used in pastries, cooked fruit and sausage. In the Bible, the coriander seeds were compared to the taste of manna.
Cilantro is one of the most used herbs. Cilantro grows about 2 feet tall and will get pinkish white flowers in early summer. I let mine go to seed because they attract pollinators. The plants prefer to grow in sun to partial shade. When I harvest large bundles of cilantro, I blend leaves of cilantro with olive oil in a blender and freeze in silicone ice trays. When frozen, I take them out and place in plastic bag and use as needed when cooking.
Dill (Anethum graveolens) was prescribed 5,000 years ago by ancient Egyptian doctors. In the Bible, it is mentioned as a tax payment. Dill is an annual and a member of the carrot family. It has delicate looking fern-like leaves with 6-inch clusters at the top and yellow flowers in the summer.
They should be planted 10 inches apart in full sun. Plants can grow 5 feet tall and should be harvested in the morning. Seeds and the leaves can be harvested and used in soups, salads, cheese, egg, fish, pork, lamb, poultry, apples, vinegar, vegetables, pickles, sauces, bread and salt-free types of herb seasonings. My favorite is dill leaves on grilled fish.
Dill is a favorite of the swallowtail butterfly. Plant extra for them. Dill tastes best fresh. I have grown “Bouquet” and “Mammoth” variety and had good luck with both of them.
Parsley (Petroselinum sativum) is known as the most used but least eaten herb. It is usually used as a garnish and then thrown away. It is loaded with vitamins and minerals.
Two types of parsley are used. Flat leaf or Italian parsley is stronger in flavor, larger and hardier than curly leaf or French parsley. Curly leaf parsley makes an attractive border plant.
Many people like flat leaf for its flavor but it can go to seed more quickly than curly leaf. Parsley can be used in salads, salad dressings or with chicken or pork.
One article suggested that parsley could be dipped in batter and deep fried. If you decide you want to use parsley as a garnish, it can be chewed to help freshen our breath. Parsley is good for attracting beneficial insects as well as the swallowtail butterfly.
It is said that herbs should be considered in every garden. I agree and have my favorites. Bon appetit and happy herb gardening.
ph: 361-935-1556