ph: 361-935-1556
Lunch and Learn with the Masters
Presented by
Victoria County Master Gardener Association
Pattie Dodson Health Center
2805 N. Navarro
Victoria, Texas
“Free to the Public”
Noon – 1:00 p.m.
Bring your lunch and drink
Victoria Advocate Article here:
Topics and schedule for 2017
• January 9 - Landscaping Chores
Charlie Neumeyer will open this year's series Jan. 9 with "Landscaping Chores to do Now." Charlie will share information on what to do outdoors in your garden and landscape and how to revitalize tools and equipment or come to the conclusion of getting replacements.
• Feb. 13 - Questions Extension Agents are Asked
Matt Bochat, our AgriLife Extension Agent, Agriculture/Natural Resources, will present, "What's This: Volume 2: Questions that Agents are Frequently Asked," on Feb. 13. Basically, this is a continuation of last year's program on pictures of things brought into Matt's office for identification. Join in the fun as he includes the audience as part of the presentation.
• March 13 - Texas Superstars Available at Spring Sale
Pat Plowman will present "Texas Superstars: Pride of Texas" on March 13. You'll learn the characteristics a plant must have to receive the Superstar designation - who knows; you may have one or more already in your garden! She will also share which Superstar plants will be available in our upcoming plant sale April 8.
• April 10 - Annuals and Perennials for this Area
"Annuals and Perennials: Garden Specials" will be presented April 10, by Suzanne LaBrecque and Janet McCrea. Learn about the best plants for our area, and perhaps some new varieties that have been developed by horticulturists. No doubt you will hear personal testimonies of success with particular varieties.
• May 8 - All About Crepe Myrtles
A program that we have not had in quite a while, and has been requested by many of you is on crepe myrtles. On May 15, Mary Janak, will present "Crepe Myrtles: Lilacs of the South." Mary is quite knowledgeable in this area and can share valuable information on choosing the correct variety, care and perhaps new varieties that have been developed.
• June 12 - Native Plants for Victoria Area
On June 12, we have Catherine Koenig presenting "Native Plants for Victoria Area Landscapes". In this session, you will learn the value of using native plants not only for the benefit of butterflies, birds, and beneficial insects, but for reducing costs and landscape upkeep by minimizing the use of water, pesticides, fertilizers and mowing.
You will also learn which native plants are adapted to the soil and climate conditions of our area.
• July 10 - Year-Round Vegetable Gardening
We are very fortunate to live in an area where some type of vegetable gardening can continue for many months. To address that subject is Dick Nolen, who will present "Year-Round Vegetable Gardening" on July 10. Dick has extensive experience in this area, and will share important information with you.
• Aug. 14 - Preserving the Harvest
Our 2017 program concludes with Carissa Wilhelm, Extension Health Specialist presenting, "Preserving the Harvest" on August 14. After all the hard work of growing a bounty of food, we want to be certain that what we preserve is done in a healthy way for the family's future consumption. She will share the proper techniques of preservation that you will be able to use in your home kitchen.
Mark your calendar for the second Monday
in this new year from January through August. We hope you will attend some or all of these sessions. Do come early to get a good seat; they fill quickly. See you soon - this Monday, in fact. Let's start Year 10 together again.
Extension programs serve people of all ages regardless of socioeconomic level, race, color, sex, religion, disability or national origin. The Texas A&M University System, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the County Commissioners Courts of Texas Cooperating. Individuals with disabilities who require an auxiliary aid, service or accommodations in order to participate in this meeting are encouraged to contact the County Extension Office at 361/575-4581 to determine how reasonable accommodations can be made.
ph: 361-935-1556