ph: 361-935-1556
June 04, 2021
by Suzanne LaBrecque /Victoria County Master Gardener
Edited by Suzanne LaBrecque/Victoria County Master Gardener
Attendees take notes at a previous session of the Lunch and Learn with the Masters series held at the Dr. Pattie Dodson Public Health Center. The 2021 programs have been moved to the Pavilion at the Victoria Educational Gardens, 283 Bachelor Drive.
Helen Boatman, long-time coordinator of the Lunch and Learn with the Masters series, introduces Pat Plowman for her presentation on gardens of the world.
For more gardening tips and information, visit or the Victoria County Master Gardener Association Facebook page.
June 14. The free session will take place from noon to 1 p.m. at the pavilion in the Victoria Educational Gardens, 283 Bachelor Drive. You are welcome to bring your lunch and drink.
The Gardeners’ Dirt is written by members of the Victoria County Master Gardener Association, an educational outreach of Texas A&M AgriLife Extension – Victoria County. Mail your questions in care of the Advocate, P.O. Box 1518, Victoria, TX 77901; or, or comment on this column at
Good news. Lunch and Learn with the Masters is coming back this month. Yes, after 15 months of “rest” due to the pandemic, the popular series will resume on June 14. The free session will take place from noon to 1 p.m. at the pavilion in the Victoria Educational Gardens, 283 Bachelor Drive. You are welcome to bring your lunch and drink.
In 2008, Victoria County Master Gardeners Helen Boatman, Sandy Knief and Jolene Molder arranged and hosted the first Lunch and Learn with the Masters. They hoped for 50 participants. Imagine their surprise when the room filled and they had to make more copies of the handouts.
From the first session in January 2008 to March 2020, master gardeners hosted eight programs per year. In 2019, more than 700 participants from Victoria and six other counties attended Lunch and Learn. All programs were and remain free to the public.
Over the years, topics covered a broad spectrum of gardening issues ranging from general to specific themes. Past programs covered planning, propagating, planting, pruning, caring for and harvesting the bounty of gardens.
Innovative programs like keyhole raised vegetable beds or garden art motivated participants to try new projects. Planting beautiful containers and revitalizing landscapes appealed to those who needed the aesthetic touches on their patios or in their yards.
The 2021 schedule includes five free programs. All will be on the second Monday of the month from noon to 1 p.m. Social distancing will be enforced and participants may wear masks.
Each presenter has become knowledgeable about her topic and will provide slides and handouts. Time will be allowed for questions.
We do hope many will be able to attend these informative sessions. In addition to attending the programs, you can stroll through the Victoria Educational Gardens and see living examples of plants and trees described in the programs.
2021 schedule
Most gardeners know that daylilies naturally form clumps of new plants with each one being an exact clone of its parents. Did you know that you can easily create unique daylilies that have never been seen? Brenda, an expert on daylilies will show how even a novice gardener can cross-pollinate daylilies to create new plants and unique blooms.
Master Gardener and Master Naturalist, Koenig has years of experience growing native plants. Her presentation will focus on the importance of native plants and trees in the environment. Her enthusiasm about bees, butterflies and hummingbirds in gardens will inspire you.
Now that you have grown a bountiful harvest, what do you do with it? Parks will share her hands-on-knowledge of how to safely preserve your home-grown produce for family and friends.
The presenters will explain what a pollinator garden is and why it is important to plant one now. McCrea and LaBrecque will share the steps to creating pollinator gardens in your yard. They will also describe pollinator plants that are native to the Victoria area.
Tour amazing gardens on four continents with Plowman. In addition to seeing a variety of healthy, unique plants, shrubs and trees, you will get ideas for landscape designs that might work for you.
ph: 361-935-1556