ph: 361-935-1556
February 26, 2021
by Virginia Ruschhaupt/Victoria County Master Gardener
Edited by Suzanne LaBrecque/Victoria County Master Gardener
Spring bloomers should be pruned soon after completion of their bloom cycle. This includes Azaleas (pictured above). Forsythia, Fringe Tree, Honeysuckle, Indian Hawthorn, Japanese Quince, Redbud, Bridal Wreath, Texas Mountain Laurel and Wisteria.
Wisteria, an early spring bloomer, is best pruned after completion of bloom cycle in spring.
Detailed information on pruning, composting, mulching, and managing insects can be found at under the '2021 Gardeners' Dirt' section. Feb 26, 2021
Pruning Techniques HERE:
Composting HERE:
Mulching HERE:
Pest Management in the Landscape HERE:
Pest Management for Turfgrass HERE:
Assessing Freeze Damage, Dr. Larry Stein, Texas A&M AgriLife, Facebook video WATCH HERE:
The Gardeners’ Dirt is written by members of the Victoria County Master Gardener Association, an educational outreach of Texas A&M AgriLife Extension – Victoria County. Mail your questions in care of the Advocate, P.O. Box 1518, Victoria, TX 77901; or, or comment on this column at
The approach of spring generally brings excitement to gardeners. It’s different after an extreme freeze.
If spring chores are overwhelming, make a deal with a friend to spend a day in the garden helping each other. A second set of eyes and hands brings new vision and skills to tasks. Our Master Gardeners are always learning from each other, and good companionship makes the load a little lighter.
Now, let’s move on to the work. Since I’ll barely touch the surface of these spring tips, you can find more details at Click the links at the end of the webpage under “Gardening Tips.”
Pruning shrubs
Begin with an assessment of your tools. High-quality, sharpened tools not only make the job easier, but cleaner cuts minimize damage to your plants.
Although we prune our shrubs in the spring, due to freeze damage, it is not the ideal time for general pruning of flowering shrubs. Spring flowering shrubs, trees, and vines bloom on last season’s growth and should be pruned soon after they have bloomed in the spring. Summer blooming shrubs generally bloom on the present year’s growth and should be pruned in late winter if necessary.
Freeze damage
When perennial flowers and shrubs sustain freeze damage, let new growth begin in March and then prune off all dead wood above the fresh growth. If fresh growth is slow to appear, scratch the surface of the branches to find green wood. Tender exposed vegetation will need protection from future freezes.
Larry Stein with Texas A&M AgriLife suggests waiting two weeks after our recent heavy freeze to more accurately assess the damage before we start pruning.
If frozen vegetation is squishy, clean out the mushy vegetation without delay. Protect the remaining tender stalk at ground level if there is another freeze. This step may save the roots.
Covered plants benefit by uncovering as soon as possible after a freeze, but re-cover as needed.
Weeds can be a real challenge, particularly for us living in rural areas. Weeds harbor insects and diseases, reduce flower and vegetable production, and detract from the beauty of the landscape. Young plants, even trees, competing with weeds for water and nutrients are often stunted, if they survive at all.
Preventing weeds includes adequately preparing the soil in the garden, examining any incoming topsoil or turfgrass sod for signs of weeds, mowing regularly, and mulching.
Once we have weeds, solutions are hand pulling and hoeing. Herbicides should be the last resort and require critical ability to identify the weeds and know which product to use for which weeds. Carefully read labels to make sure the product won’t damage your vegetables, turf-grass, flowers or shrubs.
March is a good time to plant most shrubs and vines, although there are exceptions. It allows time for growth before the summer heat, but remember freeze protection.
When gardens are bare after a heavy freeze and we are feeling a great loss after losing some of our favorite plants, it is tempting to quickly buy new plants. Take the time to plan before buying. Evaluate your vision of the landscape and how these new plants fit in. Temperature tolerance may be at the top of our list, but also take into consideration size, competition for sunlight with each other and location. Will the plant in its proposed location be compatible with your zero-turn mower?
Look at the plant’s care requirements, your time, ability and energy. Without a plan, your spring dreams may become a nightmare.
According to Doug Welsh’s Texas Garden Almanac, Texas soil contains only 1% organic material, so with each planting (except for trees), work compost into the soil.
Making one’s own compost from lawn clippings, leaves, and fruit and vegetable trimmings is easy and comes in handy for spring planting. My compost ‘pile’ (no, it isn’t even a bin) requires minimum attention. Periodically I turn it and keep it moist.
Spring is a good time to mulch our gardens. Spread 2 to 3 inches of organic straw or bark on the soil surface, but not touching plants. Benefits of mulching are reducing weeds, conserving water and moisture, moderating soil temperature, and reducing soil-borne disease.
Disease and Pests
Continually monitor plants for disease and pests. After identifying the problem, determine what action should be taken depending on the severity of the problem and the potential damage. Use the least toxic methods after researching and reading labels. According to Welsh, “The best pest management strategy is your presence in the garden.”
Solicit friends to work together in the garden to lighten the load. We will persevere and once again be excited as spring progresses.
ph: 361-935-1556