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From the garden to the table -- "Victoria County Master Gardener Association Favorite Recipes" Cookbook (ONLINE)
November 20, 2020
by Linda Hartman and Linda Lees/Victoria County Master Gardeners
Edited by Suzanne LaBrecque/Victoria County Master Gardener
The "Victoria Couty Master Gardener Favorite Recipes" cookbook contains many delicious recipes including strawberry layer cake, a cake that has been popular since the 1950s.
Master Gardener Pat Plowman's broccoli and cauliflower salad is perfect for family gatherings.
A closeup of Master Gardener Bernice Davis's squash casserole, included in the cookbook's "Favorite Recipes" section.
The biggest benefit of growing your own vegetables is that you get to eat them. It is no wonder that some of the best cooks are also gardeners, and Victoria County Master Gardener Association members are no exception.
We love good food, and we have the recipes to prove it. The Victoria County Master Gardener Association Favorite Recipes cookbook was first published in 2010 and quickly sold out. The second reprint rolled out the following year and also sold out.
Over the years, the question would come up: “How can I get a copy?” With the holidays approaching, master gardeners realized that this cookbook makes for a great gift and have decided to reprint this special cookbook.
Hundreds of tempting recipes
The cookbook contains hundreds of recipes ranging from appetizers to tasty desserts like Mary and Jerome Janak’s blast from the past, strawberry layer cake. So yummy. You’ve got to get the cookbook to try this one.
On a lighter note, Pat Plowman’s broccoli and cauliflower salad wins over those who don’t even like broccoli. It is quick and easy to whip up and perfect for family gatherings.
Linda Hartman’s pick
When I think of the first Thanksgiving, my mind conjures a picture of Pilgrim women serving that first Thanksgiving feast. Hopefully, squash was among the vegetables on the menu. Growing up, my brother and I thought fried squash was the only way to eat that vegetable. Now we know that squash may be enjoyed many different ways.
“Favorite Recipes” has at least 10 recipes highlighting a variety of squash, including one for baked squash blossoms.
For our annual Thanksgiving gathering I plan to serve an outstanding squash casserole shared by Master Gardener Bernice Davis.
Squash casserole
A closeup of Master Gardener Bernice Davis’s squash casserole, included in the cookbook’s “Favorite Recipes” section.
We hope you won’t miss this opportunity to give or keep this exceptional cookbook. It’s the season.
The Gardeners’ Dirt is written by members of the Victoria County Master Gardener Association, an educational outreach of Texas A&M AgriLife Extension – Victoria County. Mail your questions in care of the Advocate, P.O. Box 1518, Victoria, TX 77901; or, or comment on this column at
The Victoria County Master Gardeners collectible cookbook is available to the public on a first come, first served basis. All purchases will be made by credit card and may be ordered online at VCMGA ONLINE STORE
The cookbook costs $25, including sales tax. Shipping and handling is $5.
Buyers may forego shipping costs by picking up copies at VCMGA’s VEG Pavilion, located at 283 Bachelor Drive in Victoria. Pickup will be available from 10 a.m. to noon on Saturdays, Nov. 21 and Nov. 28.
Cut 1 bunch of broccoli and 1 small head of cauliflower into bite size pieces. Cook 1 pound thin-sliced, cut up bacon until crisp. Mix vegetables, bacon, 1 small chopped onion and ½ cup pecans together. Mix remaining ingredients for dressing and add just before serving. Serves 10 to 12.
Cook squash and onion in water until tender. Drain. Season with salt and pepper and 1 tablespoon oleo. Stir in soup, sour cream and pimento. Combine ½ cup melted oleo with stuffing mix until blended. Combine half of stuffing mix with squash mix. Spoon into a 2-quart baking dish. Top with remaining stuffing mix. Bake at 375 degrees for 30 minutes.
ph: 361-935-1556