ph: 361-935-1556
Learn with the masters
January 11, 2015
By Helen Boatman/Victoria County Master Gardener
Edited by Charla Borchers Leon/Victoria County Master Gardener
The daylily garden at Victoria Educational Gardens provides amazing color in blooming months. Come June 8 and learn from Master Gardener and American Hemerocallis (daylily) Society members Doris Martinak and Virginia Ruschhaupt who help keep the daylily beds in full color during the blooming season.
Rainwater harvesting specialist Kathy Chilek will discuss how to collect and store rainwater for future use at the April 13 Lunch and Learn with the Masters session. Shown here is one of the rainwater collection tanks in use at the Master Gardener Victoria Educational Gardens at Victoria Regional Airport.
Brazos variety blackberry plants are shown in bloom with berries forming last year in the DeWitt County garden of Master Gardeners Pat Koenig and Emory Powitzky Jr. Come learn more about growing your own blackberries Feb. 9 at the Lunch and Learn with the Masters presentation offered free to the public by the Victoria County Master Gardener Association.
Have you been gardening for some time and reached the point when a new type of gardening setup, like raised beds, may be an option. Or the thought of going out to your garden and picking succulent berries is just about the best thought you have had lately, but you just don't have enough information?
Well, the members of Victoria County Master Gardener Association and Texas A&M AgriLife Extension are happy to present for you another year of free horticulture programs where answers to those questions and many others will be given.
First program Monday
Our award-winning Lunch and Learn with the Masters schedule is filled with varied subjects that we feel will be of interest to you, the South Texas gardener. Our first program will be Monday.
The location will be the same as in the past, the Pattie Dodson Public Health Center, 2805 N. Navarro St., in Victoria. Our free presentations are from noon to 1 p.m. If you wish, you may bring your lunch and a drink. With the exception of Victoria County Extension Agent Peter McGuill, all of the presenters are master gardeners.
Jan. 12
We begin the new year with Peter McGuill presenting a topic about which evaluations have shown many of our attendees are interested in learning. McGuill will be able to share appropriate species of trees for our area, proper placement in the landscape and how to give proper care so that the homeowner will have a beautiful addition to the property. Did you know that great trees may add financial value to your property?
Feb. 9
Blackberries are a specialty of husband and wife Master Gardener team Pat Koenig and Emory Powitzky Jr. They will share their experiences and success in growing and harvesting blackberries with good information on best varieties for our area.
March 9
Tired of tilling a large garden area? Debbie Hopper will share great information with her raised bed presentation where you will learn a lot about the ins and outs of this form of gardening setup.
April 13
This topic will be presented by rainwater harvesting specialist Kathy Chilek and will be very informative. As everyone knows, rainwater is very beneficial. You will learn how to collect and store the precious gift we receive from nature so that when it does rain, the water will be available as needed.
May 11
Every household generates organic matter, whether leaves from trees or scraps from the kitchen. Jolene Molder will inform you on how to recycle those throwaways so that they will become an added nutritional resource for your garden.
June 8
Besides being Master Gardeners, Doris Martinak and Virginia Ruschhaupt are members of the American Hemerocallis (daylily) Society. Their presentation will probably make you decide to add daylilies to your garden. Being the stewards of the daylily garden at the Victoria Educational Gardens, they will have a lot of good information to share with you.
July 13
Because of our persistent lack of plentiful rainfall in recent years, growing flowering plants has been challenging. Beth Ellis will give attendees ideas on some of the proper plants for our area.
Aug. 10
Our final program for the year will include information on growing vegetables year round with Dick Nolen as presenter. Since we are very fortunate to have a long growing season, Dick will share with you those special varieties that do well in our area.
We hope to see you at all our presentations. Come early, since the classroom space is limited, and we want you to find a good seat. Mark the second Monday of each month from now through August on your calendar. Look for monthly reminders prior to the date of the program in this column.
The Gardeners' Dirt is written by members of the Victoria County Master Gardener Association, an educational outreach of Texas AgriLife Extension - Victoria County. Mail your questions in care of the Advocate, P.O. Box 1518, Victoria, TX 77901; or, or comment on this column at
• PLACE: Dr. Pattie Dodson Public Health Center, 2805 N. Navarro St.
• TIME: Noon-1 p.m.
• PRICE: Free to the public
• Jan. 12 - Selection and Care of Trees in Your Landscape
• Feb. 9 - Blackberries: The Other Black Gold for Gardeners
• March 9 - Raised Beds: No Till Gardening
• April 13 - Rainwater Harvesting: Capturing Nature's Bounty
• May 11 - Composting: Trash or Garden Treasure
• June 8 - Color Your World with Daylilies
• July 13 - Drought-Resistant Landscape and Native Plants
• Aug. 10 - Year-Round Vegetable Gardening
(Jan. 12 presented by Extension Agent Peter McGuill; all other dates presented by Victoria County Master Gardeners)
ph: 361-935-1556