ph: 361-935-1556
Brighten your garden
Many plants will be offered at Victoria County Master Gardener Association's spring sale
March 21, 2014
by Beth Ellis/Victoria County Master Gardener
Edited by Charla Borchers Leon/Victoria County Master Gardener
The esperanza is a hardy, drought-tolerant plant that demands very little care in the heat of the summer. It blooms bright yellow, tubular flowers that attract hummingbirds throughout its blooming season. It also can become very tall and produce more blooms if deadheaded. Look for it at the sale to plant in your garden or a large container.
Master Gardeners work many hours in the greenhouse in preparation for plant sales. Shown here, from left front to back, are Marcia Kauffman, master gardener; Gerry Hornstein, master gardener; Scott Sanders, master gardener intern and co-chairman; and Donna McCanlies, master gardener and co-chairwoman; right front to back are Tom Akins, master gardener; Lanny Havemann, master gardener; Lupe Cook, master gardener and co-chairman; and Joy Reed, master gardener intern.
This multicolored coleus was propagated from existing cuttings and cared for over the past months in the Master Gardener greenhouse. It will add a burst of color to shady settings in your garden or patio in containers.
The Bush Morning Glory bloom exists in shades of light purple, pink or white on a large bush that thrives in heat and direct sun. Likely available at the sale, take it home and plant it soon for it blooms this summer. cutting it back in the summer months will produce even more blooms in the fall.
Well folks, it's that time again. Get your garden act-ready, because the Victoria County Master Gardener Association's spring plant sale is from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. (or until plants sell out) March 29 at the Victoria Educational Gardens Pavilion, 283 Bachelor Drive, across from the control tower at Victoria Regional Airport.
Great choices for area gardens
Master Gardener members have been hard at work since late fall in the greenhouse at Victoria Educational Gardens in preparation for the sale. Members meet every week - sometimes twice a week, weather permitting, to plant seeds, propagate - prepare plants for sales and for use in Victoria Educational Gardens.
The greenhouse is jam-packed with plants ready for you to take home and put into in your garden. Here is a small sampling of the many plants that will be offered for sale:
More to come
There are many more plants that likely will be available at very reasonable prices at the Master Gardener plant sale. Next week, I'll tell you more about some of those as well as discuss books that will be offered for sale that no Texas gardener should be without.
The Gardeners' Dirt is written by members of the Victoria County Master Gardener Association, an educational outreach of Texas AgriLife Extension - Victoria County. Mail your questions in care of the Advocate, P.O. Box 1518, Victoria, TX 77901; or, or comment on this column at
• WHEN: 8 a.m.-2 p.m. (or until plants sell out) March 29
• WHERE: Victoria Educational Gardens Pavilion, 283 Bachelor Drive, across from Victoria Regional Airport control tower
ph: 361-935-1556